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Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Bring Your Humor Here - Volume 2
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:31:11 AM »

Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Photo Captioning Fun Vol 9
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:30:13 AM »
jack: would you rather eat a whole zucchini or a big ol plate of wiggly raw oysters?
ennis: uh, a whole zucchini, i guess.
jack: golly. i think i love you already.
the zucchini comes with a tub of
ranch dressing, by the way.
warm… and homemade.

Wonderful.  :laugh:
Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Photo Captioning Fun Vol 9
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:23:54 AM »
There actually is a man with two functioning penises. I saw em.  :-X

Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Photo Captioning Fun Vol 9
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:22:31 AM »
Can you just imagine watching yourself in the mirror giving Jake a BJ?  :

I guess I can, yeah. Even without the mirror.

Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:21:41 AM »

I hope to finish a longer chapter today.

This evening, we are invited to a private birthday dinner.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:20:59 AM »
Back from practice, we had relatively few there because of the day change, only 5 of us.
But all the things we'll be singing on Sunday are familiar to us.

The happy few.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by ingmarnicebbmt on Today at 01:19:54 AM »

Good morning. Very grey and very dark.
Day after day.
Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Photo Captioning Fun Vol 9
« Last post by gnash on Today at 12:42:44 AM »

in law outlaws

aunt harriet: lureen?? two words: ice queen. now
i ain’t sayin she’s a witch, but we all know she
can sweep up the house using her favorite
form of transportation… THE BROOM!

Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Photo Captioning Fun Vol 9
« Last post by gnash on Yesterday at 10:25:48 PM »

getting the lay of the land

jack: would you rather eat a whole zucchini
or a big ol plate of wiggly raw oysters?

ennis: uh, a whole zucchini, i guess.

jack: golly. i think i love you already.

the zucchini comes with a tub of
ranch dressing, by the way.

warm… and homemade.

Laughs & Light Stuff / Re: Photo Captioning Fun Vol 9
« Last post by gnash on Yesterday at 10:17:42 PM »

to tell the truth

lashawn: when i was dancing with jack i got
the vibes that he can be crazy in bed! he
was three steppin when it should have
been two and he was able to chew
gum and grin while he dipped
me and it didn’t fall out! do
you two have fun in bed
cause i get the feelin
that you definitely
do! what kinky
stuff do ya
get into?

lureen: what? oh please. ever since we had a kid
jack hardly pays me no notice. the only kink
i get is the one in my neck every time we
sit on the sofa watching too much TV.

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