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Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Today at 08:15:21 AM »
Good morning, Fritz.

I see you!  :)

I can also make a post, hit the looping arrow, and get to someplace else on the Diner page, then go to the bottom.  Or go to a new page, because Fritz's post ended up on Page 801, I think. 

But it just seems like there's an extra step, to see my last page, that didn't used to be there before the Windows Update.  (I don't think I'm sleepwalking or crazy, but you never know.  :laugh: ).

Yeah, somehow I'm usually having to click on the Page Number (like 801) that my new post is on, and then I can see it.  It just happened that way again.  I guess I can live with it, although it might slow down a conversation.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Today at 08:11:30 AM »
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by fritzkep on Today at 08:11:20 AM »
It must be great to have a mail service that works.
You will never hear an Italian say these words. The check would never be delivered  :(
We have to use a special mail service very expensive or courier (Fedex, UPS...).
All payments are done by wire transfer.

Yeah, I could do it by funds transfer, but after all these years (since I started working for a foreign government in 1977 which doesn't withhold taxes, I've been responsible for paying them quarterly) I've just kept that habit. By now they're among the few checks I write per year.

Hey y'all, sunny and cold here, low 20's. Some of the snow is melting or sublimating in the strong sunlight, but the ground is mostly still covered. A bit of a breeze here too, which makes it feel colder.

Hey Linda!   :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*

Hey Debbie!

Ciao Roby!

Hey Chuck!

Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Today at 08:08:27 AM »
Seems like it's still an issue.

I couldn't see that post I just made ^^^^ until I went and clicked on the Page Number (800, I think) and scrolled to the bottom of Page 800, or hit the "Go Down".

Or click on the Looping arrow (arrow) third from right, after being on Page 800.

Note: I can edit one of my posts fine, and Save it.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Today at 08:06:13 AM »
I do see the post I made right there ^^^^ but I was reading your post in the meantime, so it wasn't the same situation as when I was the only one here in the middle of the night.

Let me try again, and wee whether it's still an issue.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Today at 08:03:26 AM »
Hello Debs,

Not quite sure I'm understanding what you are saying.

Do you mean you post to the diner, but you can't see your new post, unless you open another Diner page?

I can see your posts fine.  Perhaps I'm not understanding.

Hi, Chuck.  I zeroed in more on it as I went along.  And now I just got up again (had gone back to bed), and am not at the bottom of the Diner content until I do some catching up.  So I'll see how it works in a minute.

Up at the top of the screen, to the left of where it says ultimatebrokebackforum etc., there are three arrows.  A left arrow (back), a right arrow, and a looping arrow.  When I used to post, I would hit the left arrow (twice, I think) and it would bring me to the current Diner page, with my post at the bottom.

Last night, it started bring bringing me to the last Diner page, but without my post showing up.  I finally had to hit that arrow once, not twice; and after the first hit, it brought me to a screen that showed Page 800 (or whatever the current page number was) and then I could click on 800 and get the latest page, and go to the bottom, and there would be my post.

I'm going to try it a little more now after catching up.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: Birthdays & Anniversaries
« Last post by killersmom on Today at 07:47:23 AM »
Jake, Heath & Others We Love / Re: Planet Heath - Volume 32
« Last post by CellarDweller115 on Today at 07:43:57 AM »
Jake, Heath & Others We Love / Re: Planet Heath - Volume 32
« Last post by CellarDweller115 on Today at 07:43:26 AM »
Jake, Heath & Others We Love / Re: Planet Heath - Volume 32
« Last post by CellarDweller115 on Today at 07:42:57 AM »
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