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Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by roby on Today at 12:32:28 AM »
Here Roby!   Have some Penne Alla Vodka pizza!


Two great dishes distroyed in one second! Kill me now  ;D
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by killersmom on Yesterday at 11:23:39 PM »
Busy day today for me. Amy is out of town and now I have pick up for the girls. I also had to go pick up prescriptions. Still trying to finish putting away the last of my Christmas decorations. I'm leaving a few up, just because.

Goodnight everyone!
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by killersmom on Yesterday at 11:16:20 PM »
I am so sorry to read this. It hurts to know that some do not care about patient's pain.

Roby, thanks so much for your concern about my pain and the appointment. Yes I'm still in a lot of pain, but one of the things i was upset about was that no apology for any of it.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Yesterday at 10:36:58 PM »
Happy Birthday,
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: Birthdays & Anniversaries
« Last post by dejavu on Yesterday at 10:35:47 PM »
Happy Birthday,
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Yesterday at 10:11:57 PM »
That's good, you can stay in tomorrow.  It's supposed to be cold.

Good night, Fritz.

Good night, Chuck, if you're still around.

See you all tomorrow.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by fritzkep on Yesterday at 10:08:18 PM »
G'nite Debbie, nothing on the agenda tomorrow here so far.

I already mailed my tax checks on my way to visit Coleman this afternoon, so I won't have to go out to do that.

GF did try to suicide but IIR Carol found her in time so she’s still kicking. I think the writers maybe misdirecting us… V

Got it. Thanks for the reminder. My bad ... memory.  ::)
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Yesterday at 09:39:43 PM »
I said I was leaving to take my evening meds, and I did, but then somehow ended up in bed again, with the bedroom door open and the table lamp's light still on across the room.  Must have been really exhausted....third nap today, and I'm not sick, I don't think.

But will be going back to bed soon.

Glad I got to see you, Chuck, and I wish you'd had a better night.
Meet Your Neighbors / Re: The Diner - Funky 55
« Last post by dejavu on Yesterday at 09:35:16 PM »
Hiya diners!

What a sucky day!


I always try to leave the office by 2, so I can get home before traffic.   Today, however, one of the RMs I work for had a closing, and it was delayed.   We did manage to get the loan booked, but I didn't get to leave the office until 5:00.

This meant I didn't get home until 6, and had to make dinner, and have a shower, and then by the time I got done and dressed, it was time to leave for bowling.

I hate feeling rushed,  and the attitude followed me into bowling, and I bowled like crap.

I'm glad the night is over.  :laugh:

The only good thing tonight was that I won the 50/50 drawing, and came home $103.00 richer.

Hi, Chuck.  That was bad, having to be so rushed.  Sorry you didn't have a more peaceful and pleasant evening.

Congrats on the money, though; that always helps.
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