^^^ I like these questions... this is an angle / element I'd
never considered before.
BLUF: My gut says IF Aguirre had confronted Ennis, that would have destroyed Ennis, maybe gotten Aguirre beaten up or worse yet, killed by Ennis. Likely gotten Jack killed by Ennis's hand and then Ennis would have suicided out. A double tragedy.
a) I agree 100% with what's posted earlier by royandronnie, Gillian, and CellarDweller115.
b) I'll add these, I believe:
1 > Ennis might have exploded violently with Aguirre, right then - right there. Why? I reference two scenes:
a) how he responded when Alma confronted him (at Thanksgiving Dinner). He, short-circuited, got very angry, stormed out of her house - like b/c he feared he might hurt her and then picked a fight with the guy in the truck. Ennis, I believe, had a volcanic temper that subtle and controlled - until someone pushed the wrong button. Look at the rage in his face, his clinched fist, just trembling ready strike Alma for what she said about him and Jack.
watch the entire clip ->
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5GIlEwPa7I b) The "I wish I knew how to quit you" scene where Ennis tells Jack, "What I don't know, all them things I don't know...could get you killed if I come to know them..." Assemble those elements and we have an explosive hot button with Ennis.
~ 45-60 seconds into ->
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVK6yLqY54w2 > Ennis might have committed suicide. From his childhood trauma of "Earl in the ditch "drug around by his balls until the pulled off", Ennis knew, "what happened to boys like that...". The social "stigma" of anyone "knowing" he and Twist were lovers would have been "too much". Recall also Ennis says something about wondering if people looking at him "know..."
All these triggers are captured in the "sweet life" scene. The clip is the same one Chuck posted earlier -
watch the whole clip. It is paramount to Ennis' inner being as a person and standing in the ranching community that "no one knows" about him and Jack. Also, as far as we know, the only person to ever confront Ennis about him and Jack was Alma.
c) "sweet life (by river) + Earl" ->
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c293gMejW3oStay safe, stay alive. Later. V.