I didn't want a laundry list of rules above, because frankly, most of our members are great and rarely need ANY rules, thank God. And I think our rules-list should reflect that. I refuse to try to make up a rule for every single thing a person could possibly do wrong. You don't want to read that; I don't want to write it.
So the golden rule:
Unethical, abusive or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, regardless of whether it is addressed by any specific rule.
Look: most states and countries have a criminal code that runs literally thousands or tens of thousands of pages long trying to come up with every possible thing a person could do wrong. We're not going to attempt that here. We know a problem when we see one, and if you're causing a problem, we're going to tell you what it is and that you need to stop, and whether or not it's enumerated in the rules has nothing to do with it.
We hardly ever throw anyone out just for being a total dick. But if you act like a dick, or an ass, pick your metaphor--or something less than an ass, but unethical, abusive or disruptive--we'll ask you to leave. And the defense that "member x was a bigger ass" will be laughed at. (Yes, people have actually tried that. We try not to laugh. But it's laughable. Did that actually work in high school?)
And grudginly, here is a short laundry list of more technical items which go without saying for most people, but have come up enough times that it's probably best to say them:
The You Really Need A Rule For This? Rules:
Don't reveal personal data on others: Do not post any personal data about the actors, crew, moderators or board members. This includes, but is not limited to, telephone numbers, addresses, license plate numbers, birth certificates, etc. Do not post illicitly gotten nude or offensive photos. Posting of this type of information or photo will be removed immediately and the poster may be banned from the board.
No selling/promotion: Promote ideas freely. But selling merchandise or posting to promote commercial ventures is prohibited without the express consent of Dave Cullen.
No garish or distracting signature blocks or animation: We want the focus on the content. Please keep signature blocks to 10 pt max--which will match the page--and free of large pictures. Please refrain from distracting animations. Animations are appropriate in the chat threads: The Diner, Fan Fair, and Le Bar Slash.
The rules will be expanded as the few troublemakers invent new ways to make life unpleasant for the many. In general, though, we won't invent a new rule, we'll just point to the golden rule and ask you to leave.