Good Morning!
I was going to say yesterday when this new thread was up ( Hello
and Thank you so much CellarDweller115 ! ), my recommendation for Heath's films after BBM is, as follows (chlonological order) in terms of his performance wise.
Monster's Ball (even though he appears only first 40 minites but his existence stays in the film, great!)
Lords of Dogtown
CandyI was particularly very surprised by his acting skills in Candy that a lot of people called it as his Post-Brokeback performance.
He is not afraid of showing his vulnerable side in front of the camera and acting sympathetically to the character he plays.
It's in a way nice to see how he grew and matured as an actor if you compare that with him in Two Hands.
I thoght Dan (Heath in Candy) was so sweet and he seemed to charm ???both woman (Abby Cornish) and man (Jeffery Rush) in the film but I should stop here, because this is supposed to be a serious discussion thread !
Hi, Katiebre ! How are you?
Hello gres, I hope you'll enjyoy 10 things ! please come back to talk about our Patric later (either seriously here or completely screaming like a hysterical teenager at the Planet thread) !?
Hello Canstandit, I know what you mean by his row performance ! I tend to like methodic-actor.
Hi, Oilgun, I must see Tideland I haven't seen it yet !