I am really surprised at how much hatred there is toward Hillary.
i'm equally surprised by your surprise. she started the race with neg ratings of nearly 50%--double just about anyone else in the race for either party, and perhaps the highest of any candidate since they started polling these things.
you are right that she also has people who love her. but she 's always been polarizing, with extraordinary negatives.
that was the single biggest reason i thought she would be a risky candidate to nominate, and still feel she would be a risky VP choice.
also, i think some of the hatred you perceive is directed at her personally, but much more of it is directed at her team, and they tactics the group of them employ.
i, for one, started out the campaign no fan of hillary, but came to respect her a great deal. that respect was in regular conflict with things she did that really bothered me and angered me. but it was nothing compared to how i felt about her attack team, particularly ickes, mccaulliffe, and wolfson and singer and the rest.
her team makes no bones about the fact that they work as attack dogs and are ruthless and will say anything to get ahead. the truth means nothing to them. i find them dispicable and repulsive. i want nothing more to do with them. we have had most of them around for years, and they are cut from the same cloth as the bush people.
i think these people, and their trench-warfare tactics are what inspire the most anger, revulsion and contempt. i know they do for me.