Nearly nine years ago, before opening the forum, I started a thread titled simply "Gay Marriage," with this first post:
So here's the thing:
When and if I ever find a guy to marry, I deserve to be able to. Legally.
The question is tactics.
Are we recklessly charging ahead too quickly and inviting/inciting a backlash, or are we still being too timid and dragging our feet?
About a month later, on Jan 17, 2006, I expanded the title to "Gay Marriage -- Is the time ripe for change?"
Still later, as things evolved, we changed it again to "Gay Marriage: Inciting a backlash, or dragging along too slowly?"
We have come a LONG way. It's a whole new discussion, so it seemed like a going point to archive that great discussion and start fresh on our whole new road ahead here.
We are headed toward victory now, and it appears only a matter of time, in the U.S., while much of industrialized world zipped past us, happily.
So what we think about it now? What's important now? (Am I too confident?)
As we're winning in the blue states in the U.S., what's it like in the red states, and especially, the other 95% of the world?
(Also, we are finally removing the phrase "gay marriage" from the title. I've grown to hate it. There is no gay marriage anymore than Black Marriage, as I believe Rev. Al Sharpton says. (Correct me if I've got the wrong person.) It's just marriage. Marriage equality. Someday, the New York Times will come to grasp that.