--Wicked (Part One)
Before anyone reads what I have to say about this film, I have to mention that I do like the MGM movie version, but I'm not what you'd call a huge fan of it. I like it more from the perspective of Hollywood history and what it's become since then. In the early days of video stores when I worked in them this film was constantly chosen to be played by employees and I got pretty weary of it. I never read the Frank L. Baum books, nor was I interested in the Wicked novel when it came out in 1995, though I knew of those who read it, and the Broadway musical appeared in 2003, but I've never had a desire to spend money on it to see it, either.
That's where I'm coming from. So, I saw this film yesterday. It's 2 hours and 40 minutes! So, I decided to see it at the AMC where they have a theatre that for $5 more you can see it in reclining motorized lounge chair type seats! Why not?
I liked it. It's a bit over-produced, but so is Oz itself! For me, once will probably be enough for this film. I most likely will not see it again and listen to a cd or much else, but...I liked it. I will see Part Two. i can readily understand why others are really into this musical and whatever else they get out of it. The length was not a problem, I got restless once, and I stayed through all the credits. (I always do, especially because theatre sound systems are pretty great and I like listening to the music.) So, I guess what I'm saying is that if I liked it, those with even more like and fondness for these types of stories are probably going to be way more complimentary!