my friend Audra has two Pygmy goats! Sending this to her.
She’s a bubbly older single gal that lives on a private golf course. She’s a recently retired hairdresser that drives a VW bug with fake eyelashes. She loves working outside in her yard in the summertime… Men are always hitting their balls into her backyard lol.
She literally has bucketfuls of balls back there. But anyway, back to the goats. I met a guy one day that said he worked at the golf course, at the restaurant and bar… I said, “oh, do you know Clover the Goat?”
He said “THE goat? You mean the GOATS… they sneak into the kitchen through the back door all the time and jump on the tables.”
And that’s how I found out that Clover had a new friend! Audra later explained that Clover was getting lonel, so she got her a companion.
And Clover didn’t even have to mow the lawn in a bikini top and shorts to get one.