Absolutely LOVE these!!! Really made me laugh hard!!!! : :laugh:laugh:
I must be getting old… I forgot what those were already!
Charlotte, Black Friday still looks pretty bad… I saw some Instagram video of people going crazy over a 32 inch flatscreen TV for $40… Literally fighting over it! But yes, online sales probably quieted things down a bit compared to back in the day…
I remember coming home from somewhere at five in the morning and we saw a huge line outside of Best Buy in Glendale, so we decided what the heck, let’s stand in line too… they were opening in less than an hour anyway.
The crowd surge to get in the front doors was scary! It reminded me of a rock concert when they had festival seating. And inside was mayhem… That was the only time I experienced anything remotely Black Friday and I have avoided it ever since. I had to body slam an old lady just to get an oval 8 qt crockpot for $8.