Any time I see Tuberville talk I think of the Point/Counterpoint segment on SNL when, after Jane Curtain would spout her view on a topic, Dan Aykroyd starts his reply with "Jane you ignorant slut."
When Tuberville was first running for Senate, he demonstrated his total lack of knowledge of what a Seantor should be. He didn't even know what the three branches of Government are. (He said they were the House, the Senate and the Executive.) Lack of knowledge seems to be a requirement for the Magaworld now. Since that youtube video was posted by Forbes Breaking News I knew that commenters on the video would be on Tuberville's side and display their own ignorance, like this one post which has a lot of "likes": No one I know in Arizona gives a shit about Ukraine except Mark Kelly. Every time I see Tuberville I can't help but picture him in a Confederate uniform.
Supposedly he was a successful football coach at Auburn, but even back then articles were written about him that hint he should never be a U.S. Senator. Take this one from 2008, titled "At Auburn, There's Stupid and REALLLLLLLLLLLLY Stupid" which starts out: "Everyone knows that Tommy Tuberville is Suffering from a Severe Case of Stupid This Season."
It could be the title of every article about his time in the Senate so far.