Five years ago today ?? It feels like just yesterday.
Love and miss you my sweetheart.
Yes, like yesterday... two and half years now. A moment in time, in life, that doesn't seem to become the past.
I'm a Dreamer. When someone in my family is in severe distress or dying I dream about it, either just before or during. But if I'm not sleeping I get a strong urge to call or contact. When my father was dying (of cancer) I dreamed he was walking on a bridge with no end a few days before. I got there just in time to be with him. When my mother's sister died, I dreamed she was in a dark mall, spiraling down into lower, darker levels, without end, lost and crying out. My mom was staying with me and I told her to call her sister. She was too late. When my sister had to have a hysterectomy (because of ovarian cancer) I dreamed she was running in a dark, stormy night, pushing an empty baby carriage (she was also pregnant and it had to be aborted). She denied it at first, but some years later she confirmed it. When my own mom died not too long ago, I dreamed she was lying on a cold metal table in a white room (she was at home, alone) and someone was pulling a white sheet over her head. It was 09:59 in the morning, I had fallen asleep on the couch after a sleepless night. It was later confirmed as the approximate time, but I knew better.
So it shocked me that I had nothing with Dragon, he was the love of my life, no one I was closer to than him. (But I guess he wasn't blood family or maybe just his usual stubborn.) So I waited and waited, he would still come and say goodbye. Finally, 42 days later he was there in a dream. We were traveling together, me driving, as always, and we had our last conversation... then he dissolved and I woke up.
Six years+ for me, and it is still strange at times! Like I wake up from a dream and want to 'share', as usual, but then realize NO ONE is there with me. Very odd, for sure. I wonder if that will ever quit?? I so miss the 'Pilow-talk' times, both BEFORE Sleep, and AFTER! You know? 
I have dreamed with him since then, all positive dreams (wishful) and I hated waking up, knowing he would not be there, with only that profound sense of loss.
I think they are moments in life so strong they remain current, like they happened yesterday. At least, that's how I see them. And I don't think it ever goes away.